Del Zamora

Del Zamora

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Del Zamora was raised in various locations across the Southwest of the
United States of America. His family dates back to the 1500's, and even
further back, on the Mescalero Apache side of his family; in what is
now known as Lincoln County, New Mexico. Del is a Mescalero
Apache/Chicano mix. His great, great, grandmother, Nestorita Lara, who
lived to be 114 years old, was painted by the famous Southwest painter,
Henrietta Wyeth. The painting, "Dona Nestorita", hangs in the Roswell,
New Mexico, City Museum. Del's godfather, was Domingo 'Sunday' Lopez,
father to golfer great, Nancy Lopez.Del attended schools in Roswell, New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico,
Woodland, California, San Francisco, California, Alameda, California,
and Los Angeles, California. Del graduated from Leuzinger High School,
on the honor roll. A straight 'A' student, all of his school years, he
received a full scholarship to UCLA.However, his father, coerced him into turning down school, and taking a
computer technician job. Del took the computer job. He worked in that
industry for 4 years, before, deciding to pursue an acting career.
Though successful in the computer industry, Del walked away. He drove
his brand new Chevrolet Van, to New York City, and attended classes
with the great Stella Adler. He studied for a little over a year, then
returned to Los Angeles, to pursue an acting career. He lived in his
van, with his small dog, Chivo, for 3 years and 5 months. Del refused
to do any work, besides acting or crewing, on movies and TV shows.
During this time, Del did most of the 94 student films, he has acted
in. He crewed in several dozen other student films. He also reapplied
to UCLA, and was accepted, with a full scholarship intact. As Del began
the transition, to the Motion Picture/Television Department, as a
directing student at UCLA; he was cast by English film maker,
Alex Cox, in
Repo Man (1984). This was Del's film
debut, and his breakthrough role. Though Del made some money as an
actor, on Repo Man, he did not move out of his van, for another year;
and in actuality, was living in his van, with his dog, while Repo Man,
was shot.After that, he was promptly cast in
RoboCop (1987),
Born in East L.A. (1987), and
became a 'go to' Latino/Native American actor. Del has worked on both coasts of the
USA, and is bilingual in Spanish and English. Initially a stage actor,
he rapidly adapted his skills to the silver screen. He is known as a
very versatile, strong actor, who can play a wide range of characters,
in drama and comedy. A veteran actor, of over 3 decades, his
work in True Blood, as brujo (shaman), Don Bartolo, is proof positive,
that Del Zamora, still does top shelf work, well into his 50's. As of 2018, Del has portrayed 263 speaking roles in a 37 year career. A
true character actor, who has worked with some of the biggest stars in
the World.