Judith Barsi
Ngày sinh: | 06-06-1978 |
Tuổi: | 47 |
Quốc tịch: | USA |
Đia chỉ: |
Tiểu sử
The only child of Jozsef Barsi and Maria Benko, Judith Eva Barsi beat
10,000-to-1 odds when she was discovered at a San Fernando Valley
skating rink at age 5 1/2 in 1983 and mistaken for a three-year-old. Her
first commercial was for Donald Duck Orange Juice and she went on
to appear in anywhere between fifty and a hundred commercials, several episodes
of various T.V. series, and three major motion pictures. Her mother Maria
was the main thrust of her career as a Hollywood starlet, but also took
great pains to try to give her a normal, happy childhood; bringing her
Hungarian meals like duck for her school lunch. But this happy childhood
did not last long. Beginning in 1985, Jozsef would often be home drunk
instead of working as a plumber, and he refused to let Maria work. As a
result, the family briefly went on welfare until Judith's career took off in
1986 and 1987. By the time she entered fourth grade, she was pulling in
an estimated $100,000 a year, which bought her family a nice four-bedroom
house on a quiet street in West Hill. As her career soared, her father
became an increasingly abusive recluse who constantly threatened to kill
his wife and daughter. In stressful moods Judith bit her nails and plucked
out her eyebrows and eyelashes and her cats' whiskers. C.P.S. was called in
numerous times, but as Maria was reluctant to press charges and many of
the reports/accounts were emotional and not physical abuse, the case was
not pursued.On Wednesday, July 27th, Eunice Daly, a next-door neighbor, heard a
loud bang next door while watering her plants. The house had been set
on fire, and later the Barsis' bodies were discovered shot dead. All of Judith's
toys that were not destroyed by the fire were given to the local Goodwill,
and her best friend continued to feed her cats for months afterward.
10,000-to-1 odds when she was discovered at a San Fernando Valley
skating rink at age 5 1/2 in 1983 and mistaken for a three-year-old. Her
first commercial was for Donald Duck Orange Juice and she went on
to appear in anywhere between fifty and a hundred commercials, several episodes
of various T.V. series, and three major motion pictures. Her mother Maria
was the main thrust of her career as a Hollywood starlet, but also took
great pains to try to give her a normal, happy childhood; bringing her
Hungarian meals like duck for her school lunch. But this happy childhood
did not last long. Beginning in 1985, Jozsef would often be home drunk
instead of working as a plumber, and he refused to let Maria work. As a
result, the family briefly went on welfare until Judith's career took off in
1986 and 1987. By the time she entered fourth grade, she was pulling in
an estimated $100,000 a year, which bought her family a nice four-bedroom
house on a quiet street in West Hill. As her career soared, her father
became an increasingly abusive recluse who constantly threatened to kill
his wife and daughter. In stressful moods Judith bit her nails and plucked
out her eyebrows and eyelashes and her cats' whiskers. C.P.S. was called in
numerous times, but as Maria was reluctant to press charges and many of
the reports/accounts were emotional and not physical abuse, the case was
not pursued.On Wednesday, July 27th, Eunice Daly, a next-door neighbor, heard a
loud bang next door while watering her plants. The house had been set
on fire, and later the Barsis' bodies were discovered shot dead. All of Judith's
toys that were not destroyed by the fire were given to the local Goodwill,
and her best friend continued to feed her cats for months afterward.
Gia đình
- Cha mẹ: Jozsef BarsiMaria Agnes Virovacz